Personality and Diagnosis: What Does One Have to do with the Other?

'Cause you've got personality,

Walk, with personality
Talk, with personality
Smile, with personality
Charm, personality

Love, personality
And plus you've got
A great big heart'

You might be too young to remember this song from the 60's. In those days if someone said that a person had a great personality the assumption would be that they were referring to the part of the personality that was thought to make you popular such as outgoingness, friendliness, confidence or maybe a sense of humour.

No one who was shy and withdrawn would have been thought to have a great personality. Personality was considered an outward trait. But we have evolved from that to a different time and more insight into the various personality types.

Look at one of the hit shows of our time, 'The Big Bang Theory'. The personalities on this show would not have won 'the life of the party' award, or 'the person who comes across best in a job interview' review, or even the delectable 'boy next door' notation and yet these 'geeks' or 'nerds' as they were called years ago are the heros of the day both in the entertainment world as well as the business world.

Thanks to Bill Gaits and various rich, successful technical geniuses we are broadening our concept of personality.

The whole point to making sure we get the right diagnosis is so that we can get the right kind of treatment. 

As we set up a lifestyle for ourselves that will bring healing and comfort and nurture to our condition, we absolutely cannot leave personality out. 

Mental illness does not paint everyone with the same brush. Despite the setbacks of depression, the effects it has on our lives, it is still a very personal journey. Our unique personalities must be factored in.

The kind of person you are will affect how the illness affects you as well as how you will best cope with depression.

So I ask you 'what kind of personality are you?'

Here is a test you could take before you read any further. If you don't like that one, take this one.

No matter what your diagnosis, it will help you to handle mental illness better if you know a bit more about yourself, why you think like you do, why you do the things you do.

If I didn't have this incite, I couldn't handle my own illness. I will tell you next time how what I learned about my personality helped me manage depression more than any other strategy.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Have you ever taken a personality test? Have you factored your distinct personality into your depression management?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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