H-E-L-P for Depression


H-E-L-P is our keyword today.

HELP for depression.

Do you know what I have learned over the years of speaking about depression? Many people who struggle with mental illness resist getting help. Why? I've heard a lot of excuses. Here are just a few.

"I don't want anyone to know."

"I don't want to take medication, I want to be in control of my life."

"If I admit I need help, that makes me weak."

"I don't need help, I can do this alone."

I believe the suicide rates would not be so high if people were more willing to get help. 

When I speak, I speak specifically to this concern using the letters in the word 'help'.

'H' stands for help. Get help. Wherever you can, whether that is the listening ear of a good friend or therapist, your family doctor who may discuss medication options and recommend some counseling. Get help, get diagnosed. Undiagnosed depression only gets worse.

'E' stands for education. Educate yourself about your illness. There is so much information out there that will give you some understanding of what you are experiencing and some ideas on how to help yourself.

'L' stands for love. Love yourself. Be kind to yourself. Forgive yourself, this is not your fault. And if you have people who love you, let them. Don't withdraw from those who care.

'P' stands for practicalities. Be practical. Learn different ways to change your life and lifestyle to accommodate this illness. From exercise and diet changes to friends and job changes, you can make many changes that will help you feel less ill. Stay away from people and activities that you don't like. Get as much rest as you can. Be practical.

Of course, I can't force people to get help. But I also can't imagine my life right now had I not sought help. Some help has been more useful than others. Some doctors understood some didn't. Some medications worked, some didn't. Some therapists I liked, some I didn't. But I persevered. I did not give up. Some of this effort has been exhausting, disappointing, and frustrating. But it has been worth it.

What about you? Why are you reading a blog about depression? Do you need help? Start with your family doctor and he/she will help you navigate this complicated but not impossible illness.

Don't give up. There's hope for depression.

Reach out for help and let someone reach back and lend you a hand. 

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