My Thankfulness Journal
The word 'thankfulness' is not something that comes to mind when you suffer from depression. The word 'thankfulness' is not something that comes to mind when you suffer from anything!
Recently I had a conversation with three friends. All of them had horrendous heartbreaking stories of suffering, mostly at the hands of their own families. That made me extra thankful for my life.
Yes, I have known heartache, but none that matches theirs. I felt overwhelmingly thankful.
Yes, I live with depression. But I manage it. I do have a life. A good life. I have never had to be hospitalized. I am able to take part in activities which bring me joy. I have so much to be thankful for.
So I decided then and there that this is going to be a YEAR OF THANKFULNESS.
I looked up 'thankfulness' in my favourite book, my bible, and it equates thankfulness with praise. Therefore I can only assume that when I praise God I am automatically being thankful.
I have written about 'thankfulness' many times here and decided to look over my own research to see if there are any gold nuggets to dig up once again. Maybe you would like to do that same.
Here is one quote that stood out: