99 Reasons to be Thankful: Part One
Hello! If you read the last three posts about thankfulness you know I am taking the challenge!
I am leading by example and inviting you to join me. Each of the next three days I am going to list 33 things I am thankful for. Here we go!
1. eyes to see
2. nose to smell
3. ears to hear
4. fingers to feel
5. mouth to taste and talk
6. feet to walk
7. arms to hug
8. hands to make things with
9. hot baths
10. birds at the feeder
11. grandchildren to hold
12. daughters who call
13. husband who listens
14. good memories to cherish
15. photo albums
16. swimming pools
17. books to read
18. hobbies for company
19. ice cream
20. jujubes
21. lemon meringue pie
22. pencil and paper to draw with
23. hot cup of tea
24. windows to look out
25. clouds
26. car that works
27. comfy bed
28. washer and dryer
29. sister to talk to
30. family parties
31. freedom to vote
32. freedom to worship
33. a heart that can experience love
There, that was fun. How about you? Can you think of 33 reasons to be thankful?
Thankfulness trumps depression.
Thankfulness is a great depression getaway.
Join me next time and we will do it some more!
WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Are you feeling thankful? Did you know you can be thankful without feeling thankful? It's a choice. I know it doesn't come naturally when you are depressed but it is worth forcing yourself to do it.
Don't give up! There is hope for depression.