Joy and Sorrow - Together?

 Joy and Sorrow - At the Same Time?

Have you ever experienced joy in the middle of sorrow? I have. My father died suddenly at the age of 59. I remember the moment. I was at his funeral, sitting in the front pew holding my mother's right hand with my sister on the other side holding her left hand. The three of us were drenched with tears. The big church was packed. But despite my sorrow I was filled with joy at the life my dad had lived, at the lives he had impacted in a good way, and at the thankfulness I felt for having him all those years.

But have I ever felt joy in the midst of the sorrow of depression? I don't think so, at least I can't remember. That is however one of the joy's of a depressive episode, is that you can't remember a lot when it's over. At least that is how it is with bipolar depression. And so with depression I haven't experienced joy and sorrow together, but I have certainly experienced the joy that comes after the sorrow. You probably have too.

And so these 'sayings', these 'platitudes' that you will find so many of on the computer are quite wonderful in many ways, but we cannot use them as a measuring stick for our own attitudes. As mental health sufferers we are tuned to a different channel and we cannot compare our attitudes to others. Changing depressing thoughts is not as easy as ready an uplifting idea. Oh that it were.

So don't be too hard on yourself. Don't judge yourself beside these wonderful kinds of sayings. But don't dismiss them altogether, because when you feel well, they can be very encouraging, even helpful.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Do you have any sayings, or scriptures that lift you up on a good day, or even on a bad day?

Don't give up! I'm praying for you. There is hope for depression. And if all else fails, get a dog - works for me!

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