Adam and Eve, Part Two of 'The Blame Game'

Last time we chatted about the fact that none of us arrived at our depressive state without a little help.

There were and still are contributing factors. Some of those contributing factors may be people, real people who are still alive.

These people may still be a big part of your life and making your life miserable, right now.

Last time I asked you who you could blame for your depression. Maybe from the title of this post you think I am going to suggest that you blame Adam and Eve! Many have blamed Adam and Eve for the state of mankind. Certainly Adam and Eve goofed up big time. They disobeyed a direct order from God!

But I would like to propose today that their disobedience was only their first big mistake. Their next big mistake was blaming their actions on someone else. They did not admit their own part in the sin, and they did not acknowledge that the mess they were now in was their own fault!

I am not blaming you for your own depression, not at all. I am just reminding you that dwelling on blaming others will do you more harm than good. At some point we need to move past that.

Blame can prevent us from learning. Now you may be totally justified in blaming someone for wronging you and causing you heartache, but putting the blame on them and ruminating about it won't get you anywhere.

In order to move ahead we must admit our own part in our situation and how we can alter some of the things that we ourselves can change. 


Leave the blame game behind and get on with it.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you today? Is there someone you blame for your condition? Have you forgiven them yet? Do you need to talk about it? Is it eating you alive? Are you ready to move forward?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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