Blogging for Depression: Part Three

See? Even cats find blogging intriguing! Or is it the mouse that has his attention? Either way, blogging can quickly become a hobby you wondered how you had ever lived without.

I am not just blogging for your depression, 
I am blogging for my depression.

That's right, blogging helps my depression. The process of writing helps depression. There are not many counselor/therapists you go to who won't encourage you to journal.

The self-expression aspect of writing is healthy for everyone, not just those challenged by depression.

Today I don't want to only emphasize writing for depression but also blogging for depression. If you are already someone who enjoys expressing themselves with words then blogging may be a natural outlet for you.

There is lots of help out there to get you started. It has been so long since I started blogging that the 'how to blog' resources have changed. Websites come and go. Many have quit. New ones have emerged. That's the way it is with blogging. Lots try it out but few stick it out. It is not for everyone.

That is why I would recommend starting simple and free with 'Blogger'. It was the first blogging platform created by Google. There are lots of others out there but this one is free and simple and an easy way to find out whether or not you even like blogging. Just go to it through your Google account.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Are you thinking about getting into blogging too? Or are you a blogger who can't get enough? 

There is hope for depression. Don't give up!

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