Can Depression Ruin Relationships? Part Four of 'Depression and Relationships'

Of course depression can ruin relationships. It can ruin just about anything if you let it! But there are lots of other things that can ruin relationships as well. Depression presents its own unique challenges however, which should not be overlooked.

How can it ruin relationships? The depressed person is no fun, that's how. But it goes much deeper than that. As the depressed person withdraws more and more from life they will sometimes even withdraw from their relationships, even the most important ones. They can't help it, they feel rotten and they have nothing to give. They withdraw to survive.

The depressed person often wonders why their partner even stays with them. They feel unlovable and they wouldn't blame anyone for turning away from them. Yes, depressed people think like that sometimes. Some probably sabotage relationships just to turn the other person away....

Depression definitely complicates and challenges any relationship. You have to be committed to one another in order to keep a strong defense against the temptation to quit.

One of my fellow bloggers does a great job of describing how depression challenges relationships. You may want to check out Storied Mind and his articles about depression and relationships. There is also an ebook 'Surviving Depression Together'. He does a great job.

But, is depression any more of a threat to a good relationship than financial strain, adultery, in-law problems, addictions?

I would say 'NO' and next time I am going to give you some tips on how to keep your relationship strong despite a depressed partner.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you doing? Is your relationship altered because of depression? Are you unable to maintain a relationship at all? Do you feel worthy of a relationship? Are you in a successful relationship?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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