Cognitive Therapy for Dummies: Part Three

We have been chatting about cognitive therapy. It can be quite complicated and there are therapists that could help you. But I have a simple way you can do it yourself!

Talk to yourself! That's right, talk to yourself. If you have to use a mirror to help you, talk to yourself! Pretend you are your own best friend and talk back to yourself.

Sounds simple doesn't it? Realize that those depressive thoughts are lies and talk back to them like they are the enemy. Yell if you have to until you believe what you are saying.

Thought: 'You are a loser!'

Answer: 'No I am not. I am reading this blog. I am trying to learn more about this depression. I got up today. I AM NOT A LOSER. That is a lie!'

Refute those wrong thoughts. It will be hard at first but you can do it! And once you get the hang of it, you may be surprised at how many lies you find yourself thinking.

If you would like to know more about this you may want to read "What to Say When you Talk to Yourself" by Shad Helmstetter.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? Have you got a mirror. Go ahead and talk back to those lies! No one is watching. What are you waiting for?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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