Depression and Relationships, Part Three: 'As Good As It Gets'

As I attempt to tackle the topic of depression and relationships, one kind of relationship comes to mind - romance!

"All the world loves a lover". Romance is a wonderful thing. We are designed for it, it comes naturally for most of us, and it is thrills and comforts like no other relationship. Even depressed people crave romance. We all crave connection and we all love to be needed by someone.

Hollywood is good at creating romances for our entertainment and I enjoy them as much as anyone. But some of my favourites are not one of your typical Hollywood style romance and this movie would be one of them.

The main characters in this movie (played by Helen Hunt and Jack Nichols) are both equally mentally and emotionally challenged.
He has a severe case of obsessive-compulsive disorder. He is a recluse. He is rude and socially inappropriate. He is also a successful author, rich and famous although given his negative attributes that doesn't really balance things out.

She is much younger, poorer, single mother with a very sick child. She is worn out from life, disappointed, cynical and a little eccentric and difficult - no prize catch either. 

She is his waitress when no other waitresses in the restaurant will put up with him. They do not like each other initially. When she finally finds a fellow he usually has no tolerance or tenderness towards her sick child and so does not hold onto a guy for very long. But this guy is different.

Jack Nichol's heart breaks when he hears about her child and he hires the best specialist in the country to tend to him. Her heart is touched by his actions and eventually something develops between them. It is a good demonstration that mental illness challenges us yes, but does not eliminate the possibility for us to have and maintain significant relationships. Yes, the mental illness certainly adds to the challenge of keeping a good relationship going, but all relationships are difficult one way or another.

Next time we will continuing chatting about mental illness and relationships and this time I thought we might leave Hollywood out of it, but boy oh boy, there are so many good movies about that topic!

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How is your day going so far? Have you had challenges with romantic relationships because of your depression? Or have you been able to maintain a good relationship despite depression?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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