The Beatles Knew When They Needed "Help!"

Do you know the song I am talking about? The words to the song are:
I need somebody!
Not just anybody!
You know I need someone!
When I was younger so much younger than today,
I never needed anybody's help in any way.
But now these days are gone I'm not so self-assured,
I know I find, I need ya like, I've never done before.
Help me if you can I 'm feelin down,
and I do appreciate you bein round,
help me get my feet back on the ground,
won't you please please help me?
I need somebody
Not just anybody!
Ya know I need someone,

Do you know the song? I was a teenager in the sixties and so I know it by heart! But the topic today is 'help', not the Beatles.

Are you able to ask for help?

If you are able to, who would you ask to help?

What kind of help do you want or need?

No one finds it easy to ask for help. I don't.When I first entered into this needy world of  depression I went to my doctor. That was easy enough. Doctors are supposed to help right?

But after that where do you go? If your doctor doesn't know enough to send you for some kind of counselling, what do you do?

Most of us are in that position but the dangerous thing is to quit there.

We all need help. Reach out for help.

Ask about local counselors. Go to the bookstore and read some books about depression. Get on the internet and check out some information about depression. There really is help out there for all of us but we need to ask!

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you doing today? Could you use some help? What kind of help? Medical, personal, physical? Who do you think could help you? Are you going to ask?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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