Feathered Friends as Depression Getaways

We have birdfeeders at our house. They provide such enjoyment for my husband and I. We are retired, we have time to appreciate the little things and we love the birds. We only have two regular birdfeeders in the back and two hummingbird feeders in the front but they keep both us and the birds quite busy. Bird watching can be a wonderful depression getaway!
Bird watching from the comfort of your own home takes very little effort and yet can be a power distraction from the negative thoughts of depression. Here are some of the birds we see:

I cannot enjoy the birds without thinking about God and the way he created the world and all of the creatures in it! The colours, the shapes, the sizes, the sounds and all that they contribute to our lives - if we just take the time to appreciate it.

Birdwatching can be a great 'depression getaway'. It is impossible to concentrate on such beauty, such delicacy, such simplicity and still concentrate on your depressed state.

Next time I am going to tell you about another bird that we see a lot of around here. It doesn't give us quite the same pleasure on the sight or the sound scale. Can you guess what it is?

WHAT ABOUT YOU? What kind of day are you having? Do you need a depression getaway right now? Can you see any birds from your window, right now?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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