Food for Thought, Part One

Food for depression? Here's my 'go to' food when I'm feeling rotten: first choice ice cream, second choice jujubes and if I have none of that in the house cinnamon toast brings comfort. But they only feel good while I am eating them. Twenty minutes or so and up to a few hours after, I don't feel all that great. But when grab I for those things my mood is low anyways so I figure "I'm already down, how much worse can it get?"

Food for depression? How far are you willing to go to feel well? Are you willing to change the way you live? How about the way you eat? Yes, depression has already taken a lot from your life. Changing the way you live is asking a lot I know, but hasn't depression already forced you into changing the way you live anyways? And besides, if some changes would help improve the quality of your life, wouldn't it be worth a try?

I am going to chat about 'food for thought' for the next little while. 'Natural News' claims that "depression and mental disorders can be prevented and treated with simple healing foods".

Here is one of many sites that describe the benefits of eating turkey which is just one example of a food that may help you. I have copied out the benefits that relate to depression below:

1. Turkey is believed to have mood enhancing properties. It contains tryptothan, which produces serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps improve your mood. Tryptothan also plays an important role in strengthening the immune system, as suggested by scientific evidence.

2. The vitamin B6 and niacin present in turkey are essential for energy production in the body. Niacin is also important for converting the proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body into usable energy.

3. Being a rich source of vitamin B6, turkey facilitates methyl donation in the basic cellular process of ‘methylation’. Through this process, methyl groups are transferred from one molecule to another, which results in the formation of a wide range of active molecules that are important for the body.

4. The tryptothan present in turkey is effective in treating chronic insomnia. It promotes sleep and is therefore, recommended to those suffering from insomnia.

Did you know that turkey was such a good food for depression?

I love snacking on turkey after our big family meals at Christmas and Thanksgiving, but I often cook turkey throughout the year because I love it. We don't eat it all at once, but I divide it up and freeze it and use it for a variety of recipes. So, we can conclude that:


Food affects mood, it is a known fact and we will chat about that some more next time. I have another popular food to tell you about that is know to have antidepressant qualities, I bet you will be surprised!

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? What have you eaten today? Do you think food for depression might affect your mood? Is this helpful or just something else to make you depressed?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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