Hobbies for Health

Last time I shared with all of you my new found joy in an old hobby - sewing.

Can you picture me having fun like this gal?

Do you have a hobby?

Do you need one?

Why are hobbies so beneficial?

You may want to read: 'Seven Reasons Why Hobbies are Good for your Health'

If you'd like some suggestions read 'Five Hobbies that are Good for your Health'.

If you still need convincing read: 'Six Reasons to Get a Hobby'.

Let's face it friends, we who suffer from mental illness think too much! And who do we think too much about? Ourselves. I know, it isn't our fault, it goes with the territory, but still, it is not a good thing. And besides, it doesn't make us feel any better.

So what better way to take your minds off of yourself than a hobby?

It will give you something constructive to obsess about instead of your depressive thoughts.

It will give you something to think about where you may actually see some concrete progress.

It will give you something to read about, learn about, improve on, and maybe even make some new friends. It will give you an interest. 

Have you ever said "I just wish I could be interested in something again"? Well, here is your chance.

It is a win/win unless it costs you a fortune.That is why I am doing my sewing with used fabric. It is still fun, but it is cheap.

And you know my sewing has given me the opportunity to spend time with an old friend - my sewing machine!

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you doing today? Do you have a hobby? Is there an old hobby you could resurrect? How about a new hobby? Is there something that has always interested you but you never got around to trying? What have you got to lose? Go for it!

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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