How Long Before a New Friend becomes an Old Friend?

It's a good day for a memory post where I indulge in reminiscing about something pleasant. Too often when I am depressed I will dwell on negative memories. Not a helpful way to think.

Reminiscing about some good things is a super depression getaway.

Recently I came across an old story (which I will share next time) that inspired me so much I decided to share it on facebook. As a result I had some nice chats with a few old friends.

Oh the joy of an old friend. You don't have to fill them in on anything, they know all about you. You just jump right in where you left off and chat up a storm, sharing the details of your life in comfort and safety.

I have been blessed with some wonderful friends in my life. The very first one was Heather. From age 8 to 19 until I went away to university we remained best friends. We spent more time laughing than anything else. She is my oldest friend.

From then I continued to be blessed with some wonderful girlfriends. Jennifer, Lynn, Judy, Pug, Angela, Nellie, Elizabeth, Melda, Linda, Diane etc .... I couldn't have imagined getting through any of my life's trials without those dear women in my life. We shared our highs and our lows.

I remember when I moved three hours away from old friends, starting over in a new town. I met some nice people right away but oh they did not replace the old friends I had left behind. It took quite awhile for those new friends to become old friends.

But...all old friends start out as new friends. Do you need an old friend? Maybe it is time to make a few new friends. You may be surprised how long it doesn't take for a new friend to become an old friend. It is definitely worth the effort.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? What kind of day are you having? Do you have an old friend you could happily remember to day for a depression getaway? Better still, how about calling up an old friend for a chat?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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