I'm in Love with Red Green!

Red Green is going to be the first of my whimsical posts where I write about some little thing just for the fun of it. Writing this way is a real depression getaway for me and maybe for you too.

Yup! Red Green is my kind of guy. He is always cheerful, often funny, not too busy to chat, can forever find the bright side of any situation and just an all round great guy.

For those of you who don't know who I am talking about you might want to check out this Red Green website for yourself. It was a Canadian show that hit the american airwaves as well and is still available in repeats. Anyways, you can see all 300 episodes if you want to, on that same website.

Another thing I enjoy about Red Green is that he always mentions his wife at the end of every show. Here is one of his closing comments:

"If my wife is watching, I'll be coming straight home after the meeting... and all this lawyer stuff has got me thinkin', maybe later tonight, if you present me with your briefs, I'll recommend a merger."

It is Red Green who coined the phrase about duct tape being 'the handyman's secret weapon'.

I love his repetition. He says some of the same things in every show. It is safe and predictable, what's not to like about a guy like that? Here is one of my favourites:

"If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy."

Or every week he shares a bit of wisdom just for men. When finished his little bit of advice he always says:

"Remember, I'm pulling for ya. We're all in this together."

He ends every show the same way too:

"And to the rest of you, thanks for watching. On behalf of myself and Harold and the whole gang up here at Possum Lodge... keep your stick on the ice." (truly a great Canadian metaphor)

That's it for my first whimsical post. I hope that was a little depression getaway for you.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you doing today? Do you have a favourite TV character who lifts your spirits? We need all the help we can get right?

There is hope for depression. Don't give up!

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