Mr. Davis' Funeral

Last time I shared a little story from my own very sheltered childhood.

I cannot complain about much of my childhood, it was almost idyllic, but I decided when I became a parent that I did not want to shelter my children as much as I was sheltered. I wanted them to be more prepared for the realities of life.

This decision kind of backfired in one instance. Let me tell you about it.

Having never been to a funeral until I was 19 years old, I decided that I would expose my children to that experience at the first appropriate opportunity.

That opportunity presented itself when our dear neighbour, Mr. Davis died suddenly at the age of 64. My girls, who were about 5 and 7 at the time, knew him well and liked him and had fond memories of him and would miss him. So off we went, the whole family, to the funeral visitation. It was an open coffin. That was not only the first time for my kids to see such a thing, but it was my first time too!

Well, it freaked them out and they had nightmares for weeks. So much for exposing them to the realities of life. It seemed like a good idea at the time!

I don't think there is anything we could do to prepare our children for depression, do you? Who even wants to expose them to such things if we don't have to, right?

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Did you have a sheltered childhood? Or do you wish you had a sheltered childhood?

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