My Bad Day Cookies

Today is a bad day. Not a crisis day where intervention is necessary. Just a bad day.

Some days are like that. Don't even need a reason. But on bad days like this I tend to give up on my coping strategies.

I say to myself "what's the point? I do everything right, eat right, exercise, get plenty of rest and I get depressed anyways. Why bother? I think I will just go out and get a box of cookies and drown myself in those."

And I did....

Figured I couldn't feel much worse, which isn't actually true because twenty cookies covered in chocolate can make me feel awful. But my convoluted logic says "heck, I feel awful anyways. How much awfuller can I get? I probably won't even notice the difference." And I don't, at least for now.

That is when I really go 'off the wagon' as it were, as far as my healthy choices go. When I feel rotten.

On some 'not so good days' I will have just enough sanity to do all of the right things, eat protein, go for a walk, have a hot bath, call a good friend etc.

But on a day like this I am weak and depressed and I don't even care to do the right thing. If there is something sweet in the house I will pig out on that but there was nothing and so... off I went to the grocery store and bought these cookies, chocolate covered digestive cookies. Why? Why those cookies? I have no idea. I am not rational today.

But I am just sane enough to stay home and do nothing and keep safe. I still have that much sanity. My husband is away right now. That is not a good scenario for me. He is my much needed caregiver. He can often talk me through these times.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? What is your downfall food on a bad day? Should we plan for bad days ahead of time?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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