Reading for Recovery, Part Two

Bipolar books have saved me, affirmed me, helped me feel less alone. Because those books address my particular type of mental illness I sometimes cling to them for truth and instruction and hope. 

This picture is not me, but oh I can certainly imagine what a nice time this gal is having, the water, the nice weather and a good book! How therapeutic is that?!

The second book I am going to tell you about is 'The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide'. Now this only applies to those of us, like me, who live with bipolar disorder and not just clinical depression. Even though it is one of many bipolar books there are great ideas for any kind of mental illness!

This was another book that I felt was so good that I had to purchase it. When I run into a bad patch of negative thinking I turn to this book once again and reread all of the strategies that apply to me. I have underlined the important stuff so sometimes I just read those parts. It is like taking a refresher course each time I read it. It helps me. It makes a difference.

Remember, reading books doesn't just give you useful information, it is also a way to correct your thinking. Depression is an illness of wrong thinking. Often the thoughts that plague us are complete lies. 
It is so important to keep reminding ourselves that.

And so for me, reading about the facts is kind of an antedote to the lies. 

How about you? Have you read anything that has made a difference to your outlook about depression?

Bipolar books are specific but there are so many more books out there, some really good ones too. Some will suit you more than me. It is worth a trip to the bookstore to look for yourself.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Would a good book about depression help you right now?

There is hope for depression.

Don't give up!

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