The Drug Debate

If you read as much as I do about depression, you will not miss the growing opinion that drugs are bad for us, that the entire antidepressant thing is just a ploy of the pharmaceutical companies and that we are all simply falling for their greedy, not well-meaning goals.

What do you think? 

I will not tell you that I am for medications or not for medications. I don't think it is that simple. If you have been lucky enough to have found a medication that really helps, then be thankful and stick with it.

Personally I have had little success with medication. I wish that was not the case. I have to do everything I know to do in order to manage this mood disorder.  There was a time when I had some success with medication and I wish I could go back to those times. But for whatever reason, my body rejects or does not tolerate most drugs.

Having said that however, there are many of us who have taken medications for depression and still have depression! Is it worth it?

Have you reviewed your medications recently with your doctor? Are they working? Are you well aware of the long-term side-effects? Are you informed? Is it time for you to take a fresh new look at your medications?

If you would like to explore this concept further, one of the best blogs to help you is Beyond Meds. The author is more like a reporter than a blogger in that she shares everything that she can find to uncover the possibilities for handling depression without medication.

Medications can be both helpful and/or harmful. If you have found one that is helpful, stick with it. Never stop taking medication without your doctor's okay and supervision.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Have you found a medication that is helpful? Do you have more questions? Is it worth looking into?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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