What Are You Good At?

One of my fond memories is watching our cats take care of their kittens. We lived in the country and the cats stayed outdoors but when they had kittens we would retrieve the mother and her babies and bring them into our sun porch, put them in a cozy box and enjoy!

It was a beautiful thing to watch. Of course the kittens themselves are absolutely adorable, but what I loved most was watching the mother care for them. She was so good at it! She was so natural. She looked like she was made  just for those kittens. It was a beautiful thing.
I love watching people do what they are good at too!

Like this Olympic swimmer. Isn't that amazing? We humans can do pretty wonderful things.

When I was working as a decorative artist and going to shows to sell my work, I would often demonstrate my art. I painted signs for people right on the spot and folks would gather watch. For people who didn't know how to use a paintbrush, watching me was captivating. I was good at what I did, I was comfortable with that paintbrush, there was no strain, no awkwardness and it was enjoyable to watch.

Not only is it enjoyable to watch someone do something they are good at, it is enjoyable to DO something that you are good at!

What are you good at?

Do you still do some of those things that you are good at? Or... has depression robbed you of that?

Now when I ask you what you are good at I am not only thinking about amazing talents like this swimmer but little talents like baking cookies, sorting cupboards, calling a friend, taking your dad out for coffee, stuff like that.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you doing today? What are you good at? Do you still do those things? Is it time to start doing some of those things that you are good at even if you don't feel like it?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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