Winner Wendy!

That's right, I'm a winner!

Recently at a trade show in the small town where I live, I talked to a physiotherapist who had walking sticks for sale. I was intrigued. 

I am a walker as you will know if you are a regular reader. I see people using these sticks and kind of wondered about it. So I asked. She gave me a neat rundown of the added benefits of adding these tools to your daily walk. I was taken with the idea but they were $45 for the pair and I didn't feel like splurging that day. She suggested I go to the prize table and put my ticket stub in there for the walking sticks, since she had donated a pair for the door prize.

And I thought 'why not?' When I went to the prize table there were all sorts of other prizes there, many of them of higher value than the sticks, but I put my ticket in the jar for the walking sticks. And I won!

Winning is more fun than losing. I guess I must have thought there is a chance I could win or I wouldn't have put my name in the draw, right?

But my story doesn't end there. Shortly after winning the walking sticks, in one of the many blogs I follow about mental health, Bipolar Burble, there was a guest post by a gal who had written a book about her journey through bipolar land. All you had to do is leave a comment to win a copy of her book. So I left a comment. And I won! Again!

It isn't just the winning that makes me feel optimistic, it is the 'entering to win' that makes me feel optimistic. I must be feeling that I COULD win or I wouldn't enter, right?

WHAT ABOUT YOU? What kind of day are you having today? Do you feel like a winner today? Are you willing to 'enter to win' the battle with depression?

There is another game in life that I entered to win a long time ago and I have never looked back. I will share that story next time.

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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