Another Dead Cat...

For a cat loving family we have had our share of unfortunate (although kind of funny) incidents.

One of those kittens I wrote a story about last time matured and was about to have babies, or so we thought. She was really pregnant and each day when my girls would get home from school they would run around looking for her hoping to find her with kittens.

Finally one morning she looked ready to burst and even had a few other signs. I told my girls with confidence that there would probably be kittens by the end of the day. But there were not.

I was home all day and kept checking the cat. By now she had been in labour for a long time. I called our friend who was a vet and asked him what I should do. He said that if I had the nerve I should cover my baby finger with some vaseline and reach in and see if I could dislodge the first kitten which was probably stuck.

I didn't have the stomach for that but called my neighbour who was a nurse and she came over but by then we could even find the cat. The vet had said that if she didn't have the kittens she would die.

We were country people who did not take barn cats to the vet and so.... My husband got home before the kids and found the cat, she was in bad shape. He prepared to put her down. In the country that is what you do. It wasn't a job he liked to do but he did it.

In meantime the girls arrived home from school and I was trying to explain to them what was happening, when their dad walked by our big front window with the still alive cat under one arm and a loaded gun under the other. To make light of the situation he made the mistake of smiling.

The girls misinterpreted that smile, they thought he was looking forward to shooting the cat! (by the way, the photo above is not my husband who put the cat out of her misery, it is just a photo I found on google...)

They didn't speak to him for awhile. I should ask them if they ever forgave him for that. I should asked them if that incident scarred them for life! 

But as always more cats came along, their memory replacing the lost cat. Not longer after that another cat had kittens and we once again had something wonderful to watch.

I have one more cat story to share.

Stories from your past, good stories, are good to remember. It's great therapy. 

Remembering good things can remind you, even when you are in the midst of a deep dark depression, that you have had some good times too.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Need a depression getaway right now? Go ahead, remember something good!

Got one more cat story if you can stand it....

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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