'Depression 180'

'Depression 180' sounds like a depression getaway to me!

As a depression blogger I sometimes get emails from authors and other bloggers asking me to promote them.

When I got this email from Craig Meriwether about his new book I thought "ya right, another book about depression.... yada yada yada...." but couldn't resist taking a look at it. The book is called 'Depression 180'. That is a powerful name for a book about depression. The title caught my attention.

At first I was not too thrilled, especially when he said that depression is not a disease or an illness. I didn't agree with that. Then I kept reading so I could make a good argument with him when I wrote back to him.

But I was in for a delightful surprise! Aside from that one statement which I did not agree with, this is the best book about depression I have read in a long time. It is the most thorough account of all of the strategies you could possibly employ to manage depression. It would  make a great resource book. That is what I will use mine for, a resource.

From the different kinds of therapies to the variety of supplements, from detailed food suggestions to exercise ideas. Craig doesn't miss a thing. He even has pages and pages of worksheets for you to use to record your emotions and your ideas.

I told him that it is too bad this book is about depression because everyone could benefit from the fabulous lifestyle tips he shares.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Is it your time to try something new with your depression? There is always something we can try. Maybe now is your time. Think about it.

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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