Detailed Memories for a Depression Antidote: Part Two

A car 'detailer' has an important job. If they didn't do their job a brand new car would not be worth its value would it? It is the final touch. So, it's all in the details is it?

I love watching the decorating shows. They all agree on one thing, the details bring a good design together.

Details are important, sometimes. And if we are going to do some recalling of good times, to enhance our antidepressant regime, we apparently have to do it in detail.

I have been taking an online course called 'Bipolar IN Order'(no longer available. I cannot recommend it - yet. I am still trying to figure it out. The author, Tom Wootton, recommends that we analyze and record our moods in great detail. This is a problem for me. I don't want to think about my moods. I want to ignore them. I just want them to go away! It is hard enough to cope with the moods let alone think about them in detail, over and over again. But, this is what is required if I am going to attempt some of the strategies he proposes.

For instance, he says we must analyze our mood from how it affects the following aspects of our lives: mental, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical, social, and career/financial. Okay, I can see how that might be helpful. 

Then we have to analyze each one of our episodes, whether that be a depression episode or a manic episode. We have to chart the degree of intensity, the amount of awareness, the value of usefulness, even its meaning. That is hard for me and I have yet to succeed at this.

But apparently there is so much value in detailing our behaviours. My strategy has been to NOT focus on my symptoms, to hide my head in the sand, to avoid them! But the experts are saying no, get into it, in detail.

How can we measure improvement if we are not familiar with what we are trying to improve? Our therapists are going to need details in order to understand what we are going through and help find solutions. Are you with me so far?

I am sharing some recommended strategies that are hard for me. But they are recommended and I am going to try.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? What kind of day are you having? Would you care to describe it in detail? Is detailing easy or hard for you?

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