Detailing Memories for a Depression Antidote: Part One

Why do details matter so much? 

The artist who created this didn't do it in a day. Why the laying out of the design alone would have taken weeks. Then a few more weeks for the base colours. And after that, months, even years on the details. The details make it!

Last week I shared some theories about over generalizing in the way we recall good memories. Psychologists have suggested that we who are challenged with depression tend to do that. And if they are right, then we are missing out on the opportunity to remember in detail what once gave us pleasure and apply those good memories in continuing to find pleasure, thus alleviating depression!

Does that make any sense to you? I have probably over generalized already....

I have always been a bottom line kind of person. I usually prefer it if people skip the details if they are trying to explain something to me. 

Often when I read something too wordy I wish I could say to the writer, 'would you just get to the point please?'

I am impatient and lose concentration easily and so if they don't get to the point they will have lost me. School was very difficult for me. I was not a good student. 

I would often get lost in the details and was sure that if a certain teacher would just get to the point, then maybe I could learn better.

Detailing requires concentration, and concentration is one of the big areas of difficulty when we are in a depression.

So, if it is true, that we depressed types tend to over generalize, then is this a cause of depression or a symptom of depression or both? Over-generalizing will affect depression. If that is true then would it be worth it to practise recalling in more detail?

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you doing today? Do you over-generalize? Do you need to ask someone you trust if you do that? Would you like to try NOT doing that? Stick with me.

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