Detailing Memories for a Depression Antidote: Part Three

Getting the most out of good memories requires remembering in detail. Getting the most out of therapy requires sharing in detail. Detailing memories is a great depression strategy and might be a super depression getaway for you and for me.

There is only one way you can do this memory retrieval well and that is to write it down in detail!

These notes, these details could save your life! They could also save a lot of grief for the loved ones who have to put up with you!

Pick a memory a day, one good memory, and try to remember as many details about it as you can. Start with the senses: smell, touch, sound, sight, sound. Recall the setting. Remember who else was there. Recall what happened from beginning to end. Remember how you felt in detail, remember how that good time made you feel. Now, can you take that and use it?

For instance, I remember many good visits with my sister when we were both young mothers. We have not lived in the same town since we were married and so visits required travel and overnight stays. I would anticipate these visits for days ahead.

As I traveled to her house I would already be imagining what we might eat, what stories we would share, what we might laugh about. When I got there it would be bedlam for a few moments while the six little cousins all greeted one another and then settled into some play time. 

And then she would put the kettle on and we would start talking non-stop until we went to sleep or I went home. Talking, talking, talking, and you know I would go home with a fresh viewpoint. Talking to her about some of my problems would have given me new perspective on old problems. Talking to her about the difficulties of being a wife and mother and hearing about her struggles too would make me feel that I was not the only one with such challenges, and that those challenges were perfectly normal. I felt less alone.

There were always great smells as she is a good cook and might have fresh muffins or cookies cooling on the counter waiting for our arrival. Her homes have all been beautiful as she is a talented decorator (you may enjoy checking out her blog and they were so comfy and inviting and inspiring to look at and be in. 

She is an avid reader and there would be inspiring reading material scattered around. Frequently I would take something good to read home with me. The sounds were usually happy ones of children who enjoyed each other playing and laughing. 

I can feel my hands around one of her 'dainty blue' tea cups, holding onto my hot cup of tea while we visit.

So, what do I do with that information? Do I hop in the car and go visit my sister every time I need a boost? No, since she now lives two days drive away from me. But, I do call her and we chat on the phone often. I always feel better after those chats. It is good for me to remember in detail how good that is for me.

'Detailing memories' is kind of like mindfulness. We will chat about that sometime too.

I am not good at this but I am going to try!

I hope you get the idea and you are encouraged to try to recall some of your good memories in great detail. 'Detailing for Memories' is kind of like mining for gold. You never know what treasures you are going to uncover!

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Is remembering hard for you? Do you find your mind always goes to bad memories? How about remembering a good memory today? IN DETAIL!

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