Gaining New Perspective: Part Three

Another way to gain new perspective for me, which works every time, is reading, and in my personal case, reading my bible. Oh I know the bible is a little hard to understand for many of us, but I find if I persevere, and keep reading until I find one phrase or sentence to help me change my thinking, then it is well worth the effort.

Here is one of my favourite scriptures, it always gives me a lift. It is from the old testament of the bible, Deuteronomy 31:6. 

"Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid or terrified...
for the Lord your God goes with you;
he will never leave you or forsake you." 

What a promise, a promise which I believe with all of my heart. Knowing God is with me gives me comfort. Comfort gives me strength, strength to aim for some new perspective.

Or what about this promise from the new testament, Romans 8:31? "If God is for us, who can be against us?" This reminds me that God is on my side and I am encouraged. Courage gives me new perspective, courage to keep on keeping on.

There are lots of kinds of inspirational books that might help. Self-help books can be good, or maybe it is time to try a new book about depression. Maybe there is something new for you to learn, or a new way of thinking about this condition. 

I choose to not spend money until I have practically read a book, so I will enjoy an afternoon at my favourite bookstore, which in my case is Chapters, and read some parts of some books about depression. 

I end up buying very few, but sometimes just reading a book about depression, again, serves as a good review. It reminds me of what I already know to be true. It reminds me that this is a real illness, not something that I have imagined. It reminds me that others live with it and I can too. It might even give me an idea to try, something I am not doing yet, like taking vitamin supplements or increasing my exercise.

The really pivotal thing about gaining new perspective is deciding you want to gain new perspective, deciding you need to gain new perspective, deciding that maybe a new perspective could be helpful to you right now.

Really, looking for some new perspective is choosing hope isn't it?

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling? Are you choosing hope today. Are you ready to gain some new perspective on an old problem? All you need to do is decide to do that and wait and see what happens. Just choosing some new thoughts is like inviting them in.

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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