Gaining New Perspective: Part Two

We are chatting about gaining new perspective for your depression journey. Why do you need new perspective? To give you hope that you won't always feel depressed, to give you hope that maybe a new idea will shed new light on an old problem.

That's what these two friends portrayed in the photo above are doing - they are giving each other new perspective just by listening to each other.

Last time I shared a photo of a magnificent view and I related that amazing sight to the idea of gaining new perspective. The truth is however, that looking at a scene like that will actually do nothing for my depression if I am in the midst of it. Actually, it can make me feel worse. I will look at that spectacular view and say to myself "what kind of a loser am I that I can continue to feel this lousy while looking at this awesome scene?"

So why did I share that photo? To get your attention, inspire you, encourage you to think of things higher than yourself - is it helping? or not?

Have you ever enjoyed a good chat with an old friend or trusted relative, and afterwards thought 'boy I feel a little better now'. That is of course partly due the the serotonin surge that may result from a good old chat with a friend, but it may also be because your conversation with that person gave you new perspective.

New perspective gave you hope. 

Hope gave you courage to go on. 

Courage gave you the strength you need to keep on trying.

All that just from a good talk.

For me personally, a good old phone chat with my sister (who lives far away from me) can turn around a bad day. It can make a hopeless day into a hopeful day. If you don't have a trusted friend or counselor, resolve to find one.

You may want to check out this article in titled "How to Find the Best Therapist for You". Finding the right therapist is not an easy task but it is worth the search. This article gives great advice on how to go about that.  I am praying for you that God will provide such a connection!

The key to talking things out is first to find someone you trust to talk with. And then just start talking. Even if your counselor says very little, just talking is going to bring you new perspective. If you need to be more convinced about the effectiveness of good psychotherapy, read "Does Talk Therapy Really Work?" on

'Talk therapy' is so effective that just even having a good chat with someone about any old thing, NOT about your depression, can also lift your spirits.

Depression can seem hopeless. Staying 'hopeless' will get you nowhere. We all need new perspective on old problems in order to survive this challenging illness. 

If you haven't experienced a change in perspective lately, I am suggesting you try some 'talk therapy' whether with a friend or neighbour or qualified therapist.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Do you have someone to talk to when you need to talk?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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