Jesus Loves Even Me

With mental illness there are times when nothing works. 

A brisk walk, a hot bath, a caring friend, a good sleep, an ice cream cone are all little pick me ups that give me some momentary relief -  sometimes. But other times, not even those little things help. 

The desperation is unbearable. 

All seems hopeless and pointless. 

When I get that low, only my faith in God will help me and hold me and prevent me from doing anything foolish.

Why does my faith do that for me? I believe that God loves me so much that he sent his son Jesus to die for me - me!

 And I believe that very same son, Jesus, loves me!

The creator of heaven and earth loves me! He knows me. I matter to him.

That is truth to me. 

I know you might be thinking: 'if your God is so wonderful and loves you so much then why does he let you keep suffering from depression?'

That's where my faith comes in. Whether I receive healing or not I still believe that God is real and that he loves me.

And when I remind myself that the king of the world, the one true living God, died for me and loves me, I am reminded that I must have value. 

If God values me that much then I must be valuable!Unknown Object

There is a little chorus that helps me remember that:

"I am so glad that Jesus loves me,
Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me,
I am so glad that Jesus loves me,
Jesus loves even me!"

For me this is simple truth with a powerful message.

It makes a difference to me, not only for eternity, but also for this earthly life I live with its challenges and heartaches.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Are you desperate for help? Pray. Are you needing to feel you matter? Sing this little song....

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

Here's another song that helps me.

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