Seven Reasons to Feel Good in the New Year

As a new year is approaching, many will be entertaining thoughts of new projects, new goals, maybe even a whole new you!

The magazines will be full of articles about new year's resolutions and weight loss plans.The gyms will be full of people who overate during the holidays. But this too will pass and in a few short weeks we will all be doing whatever it is we normally do.

So, my fellow depressees, save yourselves the torment and don't put any added pressure on yourselves by setting up unrealistic goals. Do what you can do and don't do what you can't do. Be yourself and avoid a trap for failure. We need reasons to feel good about ourselves and about our lives.

So, here is a list of REASONS TO FEEL GOOD:Unknown Object

1. You must have gotten up today because you are reading this.

2. You are able to read, therefore you are able to think, therefore you are in okay shape today.

3. You are reading a blog about depression, which means that you want to get help for your depression, which means that you haven't given up, you have HOPE.

4. You survived Christmas.

5. Someone is praying for you right now (me!)

6. You survived this past year.

7. You have a whole year ahead of you, and it might even be a better year than last year.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling? Are you experiencing some Christmas let-down or were already down?Maybe you can add to my list creating even more REASONS TO FEEL GOOD. Would you like to share some with us?

"Happy New Year!" Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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