Someone I Admire: Why My Husband is like Christopher Reeves

This is only Day 2 of 'The Ultimate Blogging Challenge' and already I find myself met with opposition - I am sick, really sick..... and that reminds me of how I admire people who handle physical and mental adversity with grace and humour. That would be my husband!

What does he have to handle that he handles so well? Well first of all, let me tell you a bit about him. He is kind of a nut, really smart, a little eccentric, and not the most practical or useful man ever.

BUT - as eccentric as he is, and as easy as it is for him to get stuck on the smallest of details, and how hard it is for him to discriminate between small problems and big problems, he is the most ideal patient. Why, because all details are equally important to him.

Whether it is a touch of flu or an episode in the emergency with his racing heart, it's all the same to him.

And so when something difficult comes along, I expect him to cave because he is such a delicate  and sensitive nut, but not him! It is all the same to him, sick or well,  he just takes it in his stride! That makes him an easy patient (except for the part where he likes to describe all of his symptoms which he assumes others will find as intriguing as he does).

When I think of Christopher Reeves I also think of someone who handled adversity with grace and humor.

Why do I admire these qualities in him? Because I don't have those attributes. When I get sick, which I am right now, I get depressed. My brain chemistry is so delicately unbalanced that it takes very little to tip the scales.

Not him, he is the same all the time. That is one of the things I admire about him. And that is one of the ways that he is a great antidote for me.

There is more that I admire about this man but it will have to wait until tomorrow when I begin a news series within this ultimate blog challenge about ADD.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Who do you admire? Do they inspire you or frustrate you?

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