Thankfulness + Mindfulness = Dynamic Duo for Depression: Part Three

I am thankful for chickadees. It was on my list of 99 Reasons to be Thankful. But just putting chickadees on my list doesn't give me a depression getaway benefit.

Thinking about those dear little birds and why I like them so much, now that is a benefit. If I want to take my thankfulness for chickadees to the next level it might look like this:

Chickadees have to be one of God's cutest little birds. Their size alone is endearing, small and round. Their coloring gives them such personality, distinct from all other birds. They are real 'characters' in the bird world. They seem almost human with the way their 'face' is framed by their coloring. They stay around all year which is a bonus when you live in Canada. They often hang around in groups, and so their dearness is multiplied! They are harmless and gentle and soothing to watch. Even their sound is endearing.

Now that was a depression getaway for me. I chose something I delight in and thought about it for more than a second. That is mindfulness. 

Some might say that you have to meditate in order to really get full benefit from being mindful but I decided to keep it simple. 

Am I making my point, sort of? My point is this, it is not enough to just be thankful. If you want your thankfulness to really minister to your heart and your mind, it helps to be thankful in detail, or to be mindful.

This is just a small little side trip into the world of mindfulness. There are lots of websites and good books out there if you are interested.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Have you heard about mindfulness before this? Is it something you might want to explore further?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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