The Gift of Thanksgiving: Part Three

How do you like this universal thank you?

So, if this idea of using thanksgiving to help with your depression is a good one, and it is, then just how do you begin?

Do you need to thank people directly for something specific? Well, you could if you want.

Should you keep a running list of things you are thankful for?

Sure, you could do that too.

Should you make your thanksgiving into a prayer, thanking God for all that he is and all that he has done for you? What a great idea!

The whole point is that just BEING THANKFUL is a healthy thing to do. Not being thankful is not healthy.


So, how do you plan to go about being thankful?

Canadian Christian author Ann Voskamp has taken this challenge literally and written a book about her experience called "One Thousand Gifts", maybe you would like to check that out. In this special book she writes about embracing everyday blessings, and yes, she comes up with a personal list of 1000 and challenges readers to do the same.

But you don't have to be an author to be thankful, and you don't have to do it any certain way to get the benefits from being thankful.

This is an opportunity to add to your healing that you don't want to miss. BE THANKFUL! START TODAY!

You know what? I think I will have to start this too. Next week I am going to begin posting on something I am thankful for in each post. I wonder how long I can keep that up? I wonder what kinds of benefits I will get out of it?

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you doing today? Are you feeling very thankful? Are you thankful for depression? I am not suggesting you should be. But there are always things and people and situations that we can be thankful for. Thinking of those or listing them could help all of us combat our depression.

Don't give up! There is hope for depression!

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