The Twelve Days of Christmas: Day Nine

 As I continue to share some Christmas stories, I am reminded of the good times I have had at Christmas. It is so easy to get caught up in the stress of gift buying, etc. that it would be so easy to forget the good times. May some of my stories help you remember some of your good times at Christmas!

What was your best Christmas camouflage?

When my girls were young, their dad and I would take them to K-mart to shop for Christmas. He would take one daughter, I would take the other and they would buy a present for one another. It was great fun, very secretive and there were lots of giggles. 

For daughters so close in age, who spent most of their time together, it was hard but fun to keep the secret until Christmas.

One year stands out as they struggled with how to camouflage their secret gifts. When we got home, they each went to their own bedrooms, with their special present, some wrapping paper, scissors and tape. Very soon, one daughter called out "Mom, would you come here?"

When I went to her room, she was looking at the gift she bought her sister, which was a gym bag (remember those?) and she said with a forlorn look in her eyes "Kelly will know just what this is if I pack it like this? I want to trick her, what am I going to do?"

A light went off in this young mother's head and I said "wait here, I have an idea...." and I went down to the kitchen to our recycle box and got out a big juice can, cleaned it and dried it and brought it up to Tammy. "Let's pack it in this!" I said triumphantly. "Ya right Mom, it won't even fit."

I took the gym bag and rolled it up and squeezed it hard and sure enough, we were able to squeeze it into the juice can. Tammy felt triumphant as she wrapped up that can. She was sure Kelly would never ever guess what was in there. No sooner had we solved this problem than Kelly called from her room "Mom!"

As I entered Kelly's room, she was in the same quandary and she said "how am I going to wrap this sweater so Tammy won't know what it is. If I wrap it in a typical clothing box she will know...."

"Hold that thought Kelly, I have an idea..." and I ran down to the kitchen and once again retrieved a juice can, washed and dried it, and ran upstairs to show Kelly.

"Mom, this sweater won't fit into that can!" she said. "Just watch me" I said as I proceeded to squeeze that puffy sweater into the can, and you guessed it, it worked! Kelly was elated and was sure she would be able to fool her sister.

At this point I was quite proud of myself and could not wipe the grin off of my face. When they emerged from their rooms to place their secret gifts under the tree they were aghast, disappointed, and surprised to see what had happened and then they laughed with me.

Of course, they each figured the other had bought them the same thing as they had. Christmas morning was a big surprise and a good laugh. I laughed the hardest. I don't think I have had as good an idea since then!

Tomorrow I will tell you about another good Christmas surprise that also involves a paint can! Stay tuned!

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you doing today? Feeling okay? or not? Do you have any fun memories of disguising your Christmas gifts?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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