Where Can You Find a 'Re-Store' for Depression: Part Two

I love seeing old houses being restored. That is one thing that has stayed fixed in my memory from my trip to Europe, how much restoration was going on, and how little demolition!

I had an old house once. It had been neglected, but it was easy to see that when it was new, it was a beautiful home. Bringing it back to its original beauty was a labour of love! 

The old house in this photo was probably beautiful when it was new too. And it will be beautiful again, with a lot of hard work.

How about you, could you be beautiful again? Could you feel good again? For a moment, an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year?

Could you be restored? Are there some things you could do for yourself besides the medications, the therapy, the changes in lifestyle, that could make you feel better than you do right now, make you feel restored?

Yesterday I asked you to make a list of things that you might find restorative. That exercise was simply to wet your appetite to the possibilities  and the hope of your own personal restoration.

The first and most important step toward restoration is ACCESSING WHAT YOU NEED. This is very personal. We all need different things, at least, most of the time. BUT I can tell you something that everyone needs, without exception - REST!

So, let's talk about three more things you can add to your 'restore'.

1. Are you well rested? If not, can you arrange to get some rest and/or sleep? Besides sleep, what do you find restful? I find looking at water and listening to water restful. A hot bath, sitting by the lake at my trailer, listening to the ocean when I am down south, those things are restful for me. What about you? You need to know what YOU find restful if you want to be restored. Make a 'THINGS I FIND RESTFUL' list and keep it handy.

2. Or, maybe it is time to revisit some of your support systems for handling depression. Might it be time to try a different psychiatrist, or a different therapist? How about looking up some of the recent books on depression and see what ideas you haven't tried yet?

3. Possibly your best idea for getting restored has nothing to do with depression at all. Perhaps you want to pursue a hobby you have been daydreaming about? Why not now? There is nothing like a new interest to renew your general interest in life. It can give you a reason to get up in the morning!

We all need renewing, restoring, whatever you want to call it. But this exercise is personal for we all need different things. What do you need? Are you getting what you need?

Next time we will finish setting up your own personal 'Restore'.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today. Could you use a restoration on yourself, your mind, your life, your lifestyle? Are you willing to think about just what might be restorative for you? Not for anybody else, but for you.

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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