Where Can You Find a 'Re-Store' for Depression: Part Three

We have chatted about a few things you could put into your own personal 'Restore' for your own personal depression.

Perhaps you just need some good old daydreaming. Kids are great at that. They have no responsibilities and so their minds travel to all sorts of places, all day long. Have you let your mind travel lately? It's a cheap holiday and can be very restoring!

How much time do you spend thinking about things that don't matter and aren't important or even necessary? I think it is possible that those of us who are challenged with depression tend to take life a little too seriously and possibly dwell on the complicated aspects of life instead of the fanciful. No need to feel guilty. It's all part of the illness.

Now this is understandable because depression is a serious disease, often fatal. But, there is good reason, right now to invest in some good old daydreaming.

We have a lot of birds at our feeders these days. It is a feeding frenzy sometimes. Our birds are not exotic, just a few chickadees, a nuthatch, a downy woodpecker, an occasional bluebird and two unwanted squirrels. We get a big kick out of them. And you know, if I watch them for long enough, I can travel away from my serious thoughts, my depressive thoughts. It is very restoring!

And so to answer the question posed this week: 'Where Can You Find a 'Restore' for Depression? AT HOME! In your backyard! In your neighbourhood! In your mind! You can create your own RESTORE! It might take a bit of work, a bit of reflection and introspection (the right kind of introspection), but it is well worth it.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? When was the last time you indulged in a little intentional daydreaming?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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