Antidepressants - the UGLY! (Part 5 of 'Antidepressants, "the Good, the Bad and the Ugly!")

Yes, antidepressants are great when they work. But some antidepressants, even if they help somewhat, have side effects that are almost impossible to bare.

These are the UGLY ANTIDEPRESSANTS. Now what may be ugly for some may be fine for others so don't listen to what others are saying about their antidepressants.

Headaches, weight gain, lack of sex drive, nausea etc. are examples of the ugly side of some drugs. Hey, just those things alone could cause depression.

Some side effects only last for the first little while as the body adjusts. So it is worth persevering as long as you can. But some side effects come to stay and then what do you do?

Well, you report it to your doctor. Maybe your doctor will decide to try you on something else.

Don't quit taking the ugly antidepressant without telling your doctor first.

Do taper off of the ugly drug slowly. I understand how desperate you can feel to end those nasty side effects but withdrawal often comes with side effects can be as bad as the others. Both side effects, however hard, can be easier to bare if the withdrawal is slow. Your pharmacist can advise you as to how slow.

When Effexor started causing me side effects, terrible, unbearable headaches, I was eager to quit. I knew nothing about withdrawal. I quit cold turkey. Little did I know that one of the withdrawal side effects was a headache as well. I was even more miserable for a few days and of course totally depressed and feeling hopeless.

And so, this is another side of taking antidepressants which you need to be aware of. There are some antidepressants that will cause ugly things to happen instead of making you feel better. Only you can decide how long to put up with that before decided to get off. 

The other UGLY side effect is in withdrawal. I know, that just isn't fair is it?

CAUTION! Just because Effexor did that for me doesn't mean it will have that effect on you. I know lots of people who take it with great success. I shouldn't have been on it in the first place because I was bipolar but we didn't know that yet.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Have you had an ugly antidepressant during your journey? Have you had an ugly withdrawal experience?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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