Crayola Therapy: Why Does it Work?

Do you remember getting lost in your coloring book as a child? Do you remember how industrious you became to get the job done? Do you remember the fun of picking your own colors? Do you remember the smell of a box of crayons? Do you remember the joy of using brand new crayons?Unknown Object

If you have taken me up on The Self-Expression Challenge then you remembered all of those things yesterday, because you followed my instructions and went out and bought yourself a new coloring book and a new box of crayons!

As we work our way through a series about self-expression and the benefits it has for depression, we are talking for awhile about colouring. Of all things-colouring! Just why is colouring so therapeutic you might ask?

'Why Coloring could be the New Alternative to Meditation' is an article worth reading from the Huffington Post.

"Meditation"? Did you read that right? Yes, MEDITATION! Keep in mind that meditation is simply focusing on one thing and as a result, tuning out everything else.  (That is my own little definition.) Lots of activities could become forms of meditation.
Another great bonus of coloring is that it is a way for people to be creative who are not necessarily artistic!

"For many people coloring is therapeutic.  Institutions across the globe use coloring to help people "vent" their feelings and frustrations, as well as other emotions through coloring."

There are free colouring pages online so you have no excuse.

I am not going to spend any more time trying to convince you that you will benefit from self-expression through coloring. You will have to try it yourself and prove me right!

To take this Self-Expression Challenge, you must do something to express yourself every single day. Just one thing for now. I have chosen coloring to get you started. Next time we will add another item to our list.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? What kind of day are you having? Do you have a lot of self-expression in your life? If not, are you willing to try? Have you got some crayons or colored pencils in the house? What are you waiting for?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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