Depression's Secret Weapon: Part Five

 Don't you just love the way children laugh? They hold nothing back. They are so free! FREE is not a word we associate with depression, but if you decide to add laughter to your medicine chest, then for a moment or two, you can be as free as this child.

I wonder what this young woman is laughing about? She is at the beach and it looks like a beautiful day. She is probably not alone, since someone had to be taking her picture. Maybe they said something funny. She sure does look happy. I feel happy just looking at her.

Now this little one reminds me of one of my granddaughters who is about the same age. Sometimes she simply decides to laugh and she does! She throws back her head and runs around the house laughing, just because she wants to.

How about us? Can we choose to laugh? Can laughing be intentional? It certainly can! That is why I am putting it down at the 'secret weapon of depression'. If we want to, we can simply take a break from this old depression and laugh.

If we need a little help with laughing, there are many sources for that, a few of which I have shared with you this week.

So I am asking this: Are you ready to add laughter to your list of depression getaways? Are you willing to take the laughter challenge? What have you got to lose? 

Have you started a depression getaway list yet? Why not start one right now? Put laughter at the top of the list. When we are in the midst of a difficult depression it is sometimes impossible to remember what is good for us. Starting a list would be a good idea.

Laughter is only one of the many wonderful getaway strategies we are going to chat about here. Next topic is high on the list too - writing. I have all sorts of great things to tell you about writing and healing.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Has this series about laughter inspired you to refuel your laughter regime?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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