Depression's Secret Weapon: Part One

To finish up my series about favorite getaways, I am going to share about not only my favorite getaway, but my favorite thing ever - LAUGHTER!

Can you imagine that there is something you have been doing all of your life, that you could do right now if you wanted to and it would give you a much needed break from your depression?

 What is it? 

Laughing! That's right - laughter is depression's secret weapon.

What makes you laugh? Who do you laugh most with? Who makes you laugh by just thinking about them?

Thinking about the Smothers Brothers or Tim Conway gets me started laughing right away. Of course that is from my generation, something else might get you laughing. In case you are a lot younger than me, they were the Jerry Seinfeld and Ray Romano of my day.

The person I laugh the most with is my sister. We have been laughing together for over 60 years! I don't think anyone else finds us that funny but we are each other's best audience. We can laugh at the stupidest things or at nothing at all. Do you have someone like that?

Can you listen to someone laughing without laughing yourself? Come on now, it is contagious, right?

I remember when I was a little girl and I was pouting about something, one of my parents would attempt to get me laughing. Boy did that make me mad! I wanted to stay pouting. I wanted sympathy and understanding. I knew that if I started laughing I would lose my pout position instantly. Even as a child I knew that it was impossible to laugh and pout at the same time.

We have all heard the admonition "laughter is the best medicine" and I am sure we agree that it is true.

I would like to propose that laughter is one of the best 'depression getaways' ever!

Treat yourself to a little 'depression getaway' right now and laugh!

If you can't laugh for no reason at all, go visit The Smothers Brothers or Tim Conway or find another site that you know will get you laughing.

The secret is out! Laughter is the best depression getaway.

HOW ABOUT YOU?  How are you feeling today? Have you had a good laugh lately? Do you need one? Are you willing to try?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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