Eat, Pray, Love...Sing!

Have you read the book or seen the movie? It has some good stuff in it.

Here is my favorite quote from the book: 

“There’s a crack in everyone…that’s how the light of God gets in.”

As we continue in our series on self-expression, I was reminded of this poignant story of a woman on the search for happiness. She was truly looking for new ways to express herself! That is what we are doing too.

So far, from our list of ten ways to express ourselves, we have talked about three: worship (prayer), art (coloring), and dance.
Today let's talk about music as self-expression, since it goes along with dance doesn't it?

If you have been praying, coloring and dancing then you have already experienced some of the benefits of self-expression.

Let's add music to the list. First we will start with the most simple aspect of music that you won't need any equipment for and won't have to spend any money on - SINGING!

I have written about Singing For Depression before on this blog.

Here is a quote about singing from my favourite devotional called “Streams in the Desert”: “We can sing our cares away easier than we can reason them away. Sing in the morning. The birds are the earliest to sing, and birds are more without care than anything else I know. Sing in the evening. Singing is the last thing robins do. Oh that we might sing morning and evening and let song touch song all the way through.”

So if you are taking the Self-Expression Challenge, add singing today! It doesn't have to be fancy or good, just sing! See what it does for you?

Keep it simple if you can't think of anything right away. How about 'You are My Sunshine' or 'Row Row Row Your Boat' or 'Jesus Loves Me'?

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today?Have you tried any of these things? Praying? Coloring? Dancing? Has it made any difference? Try singing right now, it can't hurt and it might help.

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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