Express Yourself with Teaching

Teaching someone else how to do something that you already know how to do is another great way of expressing yourself.

I remember a time long ago, in 1978,  when I was pregnant with my second child. A friend named Sylvia had lost her mother to cancer that year. I was experiencing a few complications with my pregnancy and had been told to take it easy. We decided to spend some time together and she chose to use that time teaching me to make bread the way her mother did. What fun we had! And it started me on a weekly routine of making my own bread which I in turn taught to my dad.Unknown Object

Teaching is an amazing way to express yourself. It doesn't have to be formal or official. It can be simply showing someone how to do something that you enjoy or that you are an expert in.

I was a school teacher. I also spent some time teaching adult art classes. I found that I was constantly imagining how I would explain stuff to students. My brain loved the preparation for teaching as well as the actual execution of it. Teaching was therapeutic and a great form of self-expression.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? What kind of day are you having? Would teaching suit you as a good way to express yourself? You may be surprised at what you know how to do that someone else would love to learn.

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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