Favourite Free Depression Getaways by guest blogger Nikki Rosen

Favorite Free Depression Getaways © Nikki Rosen

Getting out in nature tops my list of favorite free depression getaways. I need alone time. I need distance from frenetic rush and pressure of everyday life. Heading to some wooded trail or going down by the lake or driving the hills to hike – it’s where I feel free. I can let go, breath and renew my courage and strength and hope.

The smells, sights and sounds of nature always lift me up and out of any discouragement I might be feeling. Nature gives me what nothing else can. It’s there I am always reminded that life is a wonderful gift and it’s meant to be lived and enjoyed, not simply endured. It’s there among the trees, and water, and fields, and birds and small animals that I remember - everything has purpose, including my own life.  I might not own always know what that purpose is…..but under the open sky I know the answers I need for my life will come.

Nature also puts me in touch with God. In many ways the woods, the mountains, the fields are my sanctuary…my church. When the wind blows gently through my hair, it’s as if He’s whispering –“it’s okay. Trust.”

I always come home different than when I left the house. I feel peaceful…..and connected to life.

The neat thing…..it’s totally free. The only thing I have to do is motivate myself to go. I once was so broken, had extreme panic attacks that I struggled to even open up the curtains let alone leave the house. Because I know what it is to dance with the darkness, because He touched me once in a powerful way and gave me my life back…..I’m determined to live my best life now.

My second getaway that never fails to pump me with hope is not a physical getaway but a mental one. I love to write and create stories…stories that always end in hope.

It amazes me how these two things help me stay hopeful and strong and the best….they’re totally free!!!

Nikki Rosen is the author of In the Eye of Deception: A True Story. Winner of The Word Guild Award. Her second book released Nov. 14, 2012 - Dancing Softly, a story of hope and overcoming. She writes a blog called Gentle Recovery and can be found on facebook.

Thank you Nikki for sharing.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Are you inspired to stay 'hopeful and strong' as Nikki describes?

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