February is Favourite Depression Getaways Month

Have you ever experienced a hot air balloon ride? Looks exciting doesn't it. It would be easy to imagine that once up in that balloon and looking down on the world would be a super duper depression getaway. But it is not that easy.

Welcome to February where we are going to celebrate 'Favorite Depression Getaways' with a little help from my friends.

One time I was taking a road trip through the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia in the fall when the colours are magnificent. The views were amazing. But I was in a depressive episode at the time and even those mountain views were beautiful they did nothing to lift my mood.

If you have been reading 'Depression Getaways' for awhile you may be able to guess what my favorite getaways are already. I will tell you my five favorites next time.
February is going to be 'Favorites Month' and I have invited guest bloggers to share stories with us about their favorite depression getaways.

As they do I would like to invite you to share your favorite depression getaways too. Maybe this idea will help you identify what makes a 'depression getaway' experience for you. Maybe it will give you the urge to find new depression getaways.

A 'depression getaway' according to Wendy Love is simply an activity that helps you getaway from a depressive state that you may be in, or it helps you avoid slipping into a depression, or it is simply an escape,  a break, whether short term or long term.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Do you need a depression getaway? Do you have a favorite depression getaway or two? 

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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