Flowers Make me Happy!

Have you seen the movie "Bed of Roses"? It is a lovely movie with a happy ending and lots of flowers!

The main character owns a flower shop and occasionally chooses to make his own deliveries just so he can see the looks on the faces of the people who receive the flowers. That is my favorite part of the movie. We get to go along with him. Each face shows a special reaction.
Flowers are powerful!

 Especially for women!

We love the sight and the smell of them, and love having someone bring us flowers. We imagine that the gift of flowers means that they thought of us and that makes us feel treasured.

Europeans understand the power of flowers better than we do in North America. You will see window boxes filled with flowers on the homes of both the rich and the poor. The colours minister to everyone walking by. And if the flowers are decorating your house they minister to you as you come home every day.

 I love flowers even if I have to buy them myself! They cheer me up. Just a visit to a flower shop or a nursery is therapeutic for me. Or a walk through someone's beloved garden.

WHAT ABOUT YOU?  How are you feeling today? Do you enjoy flowers? Have you got some flowers in your life right now? If not, why not go  out and buy some. It is cheaper than medication or psychotherapy!

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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