The Ultimate Blogging Challenge, Day 31: I Did It!

I did it! I took 'the Ultimate Blogging Challenge' I blogged for 31 days in a row!

Why did I do it? It just seemed like a fun idea at the time. I live a quiet life. I don't do a lot. I don't get out a lot. I am always having to 'be careful', 'don't overdo it', 'pace myself'... you get the picture.
But every so once in a while, something comes along and I say 'I could do that!' and I give it a try.

And it is worth it because it reminds me once again, how frail I am, how limited my energy is, how little stamina I have, how NOT GOOD it is for me to push myself.

BUT - this was worthwhile for me.

I learned some new stuff. In the process of doing this I accessed Michelle Scisms's blog and Michelle Schaeffer's blog, (the two sponsors of the Ultimate Blogging Challenge) and then of course all of the other blogs I ended up on as a result of that.

What did I learn?I'll start with the bad stuff.

1.  I learned that I don't like social media. I already knew that but every so once in awhile, I try it again and then end up saying 'this is not for me'.

2. I was reminded that I don't need to do half of the stuff all of the 'how to blog' blogs tell you to do because I am not trying to make money, therefore I am in competition with no one.

3. I can't blog every day. It is not good for me. It is not necessary. It does not give me enough time to do it as well as I would like.

However, some GOOD came out of this experience as well.

1. I was inspired to work harder on my writing. My love of writing is why I started blogging.

2. As a result of really pouring myself into the whole blogging thing, I was once again swimming in fabulous information and good writing and it inspired me to keep on keeping on. It reminded me how much I enjoy blogging and what a good hobby it is for someone like me.

3. I finished what I started - 31 days of blogging posts. I can't always say that due to depression. That was satisfying.

I will sum up the experience like this: it was like shopping for a bigger and better house when I don't need or want a bigger or better house! I did have fun looking at new houses but it was exhausting and much too stimulating for me.

And so it will be good to go back to a routine which works better for me.

And for the next few weeks I am going to have help with that because I have some amazing guest bloggers helping me out!

So stay with me and come back, we are going to meet some wonderful people and hear about some very personal depression getaways.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Have you taken any challenges lately that took you out of your comfort zone? Did it surprise you in a good way or a bad way? 

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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