My Very Own Personal 'Hope Project'

What's warm, and colorful, and made with love, and free! One of my 'hope projects'!

Last time I shared David Small's concept of a 'hope project'. I loved his idea! He said it should be something you enjoy, have talent for and helpful to someone else.

Depression has made it impossible for me to be 'out there' in the world, volunteering, committing to committees, babysitting grandchildren, etc. The list of what I don't do anymore is long and sometimes I feel kind of worthless.

But I still have a creative side to my little artistic self and need to do SOMETHING! I need to feel useful, creative, and make a contribution of some kind.

So, here is my hope project.

I make quilts out of recycled materials from thrift shops. I design them, usually fairly simple designs but a creative challenge which is fun. I sew them together and then I quilt them by hand. All of these steps are enjoyable for me and therapeutic as well. And then I give them away to a women's shelter. I love making them and they love getting them! It is a win/win!

These projects have helped me more than they have helped others. I wake up most mornings thinking about my recent quilt, my next quilt, what I want to do next. It doesn't consume me but it sure does give me something pleasant to do.

I actually have a form of happiness therapy that has resulted from this hobby.

Next time I am going to begin a series on "Happiness Therapy". I do hope you will come back.

Here are a few more of my quilts.

This kind of creativity is therapy for me. Hopefully the warmth and colours of these quilts will be therapy for someone else. It is a win/win.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Could you use some hope today? Would a hope project help with that?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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