Picking Arguments is a Sign of Depression

Fighting Frank, is that you these days?

One of the symptoms of a depression coming on is this thought: 'What's wrong with everyone?' You really believe that there is something wrong with everybody but you when you are becoming depressed.

There is a significant difference between men and women in everything, including depression. When a woman is depressed she may feel guilty, and self-blaming. When a man is depressed he  may feel anger and blame others for his sad feelings. That is why I named this emotion for a man, Fighting Frank.

Of course it isn't always this way but still, something to think about.  Dr. Grant Mullen has written the best description of the difference between men and women and depression that I know of:

"In my years of practice I have noticed a profound difference in how men and women suffer with depression. When a woman is depressed, she will usually come to my office and complain that there is something wrong, that it is her fault and she wants help to fix the problem. When a man is depressed, if he comes to the office at all, which in itself is rare, he will say that there is something wrong, it’s the fault of his wife and would I please fix her.

Instead of admitting to the problem, he will run from it, busy himself, watch TV or abuse alcohol to distract himself from the discomfort. It is very frustrating to try and get men into treatment for depression."

You might even start picking fights with those close to you. It is once again part of the irrational cycle of thoughts.

When I feel the desire to pick a fight now I realize that the person I am finding fault with (usually always my poor husband) is probably at no fault at all. The feelings I have are most likely associated with depression. It is a warning sign for me.

If you are feeling particularly argumentative these days, if you are picking fights more than usual, you might be facing depression. 

This is a big topic so we will continue with it next time and I will introduce 'Angry Andrew' to you!

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Have you felt the need to pick a fight today? Or are you content with people these days?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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