Self-Expression Through Study

When you think of self-expression, do you think of it as a passive or an active activity? When you think of studying, do you think of it as a passive or active activity? Just asking.....

I am sure some people might not think of study as a form of self-expression but I do. When I choose to study something, and I enjoy the process, I find things that interest ME or help ME or enlighten ME in a way that is so productive, so building. Studying something that interests me is a great depression getaway too.

Study really gives me an opportunity to express myself. Even if I am studying what other people think or know, not what I think or know, it is an effective form of self-expression.Unknown Object I am expressing my interest.

We are talking about 'self-expression' as an essential ingredient for coping with depression, diverting depression, and healing depression. We have so far talked about arts and crafts, dance, music and singing, worship and now study.

Google has made study even more fun than ever. You don't have to get in a car and go to the library anymore. Study is always there at your fingertips just waiting for you.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Have you tried any of these forms of self-expression? Does one thing work better than another? Have you possibly discovered a form of self-expression that you had previously overlooked?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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